Registration Form Due: DECEMBER 18, 2024

K-4 entry form

Grades 5-6 entry form (English)

Grades 5-6 entry form (Spanish)

*** All students grades K-6 are invited to participate. The STEM Fair is non-competitive for grades K-4 and competitive for grades 5-6. It will consist of a “preview” day on January 14, 2025, and entries will be judged on January 15, 2025. Winners will be announced at STEM Night on January 16, 2025, and the winning projects from 5th and 6th grades will advance to the District STEM Fair on January 29, 2025, and the University of Utah Science & Engineering Fair (USEF) competition on March 10-14, 2025.***

Getting Started:

1. Decide on your project. Looking for ideas? There are lots of great websites out there to help you decide!

Check out these sites for ideas:

2. Choose which research method to follow.

To get started, download and review the McMillan Elementary Project Guide, then decide which method to follow, the Scientific Method or the Engineering Design Process. Below are helpful links to help you decide which method is best for your project.

Review Official Rules: We follow the same rules as the University of Utah Science & Engineering Fair (USEF) and the Intel International Science & Engineering Fair (ISEF). Key rules to remember:

  1. Each student is only allowed to enter one project. Projects can be done by an individual or a team of 2 or 3 members.
  2. Students should follow the Scientific Method or Engineering Design Process when conducting their research.
  3. Each project must have a display board to summarize the project findings. Display boards must not exceed: 30” deep, 48” wide, and 108” tall. You can get more information about display boards here: Perfecting the project display board
  4. Each student will need to clearly explain his or her project and what they learned to a judge. Please practice this beforehand.
  5. A project journal is not required, but encouraged. It is required for 5th and 6th grade students who desire to compete at the region level.
  6. On the day of the STEM Fair, do NOT bring any part of your project. Only bring your Display Board and journal (if applicable) to the STEM Fair.

What to Expect at the STEM Fair:

  • STEM Fair Preview – bring your project display board and journal (if applicable) to school on this day. Parents and students will get to preview STEM Fair projects in the afternoon and you will get to practice giving your presentation. Do NOT bring any part of your project.
  • STEM Fair Judging – STEM Fair judges will be at the school in the morning, and students will have the opportunity present their projects. Come prepared to clearly explain your project and what you learned to a judge.
  • STEM Night – bring your whole family and come have fun exploring the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math! The STEM Fair winners from grades 4-6 will be announced and your STEM Fair project will be on display.
  • USEF Region Fair for 5th and 6th Grade Winners – winning projects from the 5th and 6th grade will have the opportunity to compete at the University of Utah Science & Engineering Fair (USEF). There is a registration fee for USEF, but the PTA will reimburse this fee once students are registered.


Email any questions to Julia McMillan